Monday, October 19, 2009

Around My Pond

I woke up to a very beautiful morning and I took the liberty of sleeping in today. Having the two combined, I felt up to the task of playing with my camera for a bit. I went down to the pond and this is what I came up with.

IMG_027095 (by John Brainard)

Around My Pond (by John Brainard)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Long Days

The last few weeks, I have been very busy at work trying to finish up a project. I worked several hours last weekend. Yesterday we got the project to where we could hand to the client for testing. I was tired. I asked my boss if I could leave a little early. I had visions of going home and taking pictures of the girls outside, playing in the leaves, using my new lens! Unfortunately, when I got home, there were no leaves in the lawn to play in! Oh well... I was getting a bit frustrated and not really with it and the kids weren't really into it either. Fortunately, God is good and gave me a few gems anyway. Here are a couple.

Playing Outside (by John Brainard)

I was anxious for a long time to get some gels and a gel holder for my flashes. I finally did. My first idea was to fill the living room with some blue light. It didn't come out as I had anticipated, but I'm satisfied with the results. I'll try harder next time!

Blue Livingroom (by John Brainard)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Flowers by the Road

Here are some wild flowers I saw growing by the road on my way home from work on Sunday. I was anxious to play with my new lens (Canon 24-70mm f/2.8L).

IMG_025881 (by John Brainard)

IMG_025878 (by John Brainard)