Friday, September 2, 2011

Time For Change

I never got around to finishing and it doesn't look like I will anytime soon. I'll continue to use this blog to share my photography as I learn and grow and will eventually use to host a gallery of my favorite images.
///End update

A few years ago, I wanted to create a blog and struggled to come up with an identity for myself. Everything I liked was taken, so I went with "Dorky". Well, the time has come to shed this identity and take on something more professional. After all, who wants to hire a "Dorky Photographer"? I'd be reluctant, that's for sure!

Over the last few weeks, I slowly put together a new website, coding all the fine details by hand. I even made sure to add an RSS feed so you could stay up to date with my latest photos and photo related musings.

Please bookmark my new site!

And, if you're into the nerdier side of things, bookmark my personal site!


roostersnake24 said...

Your photography is kind of amazing! Do you give tips?

John Brainard said...

Thank you!

I'm not that great at giving out tips, but you can check out the F/stop Spot.. There are a lot of great resources there, including a forum you can ask other photographers for tips and advice.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It's been a few months since I opened my reader.... anyways...

So excited to see your new site! It looks great :D.

Are you going to do a Facebook Page too? I keep up with blog posts now through there more often than my blog post agrigator.

John Brainard said...

Hey Kris!

I have a facebook page, but I don't keep up with it that much. But, then again... I haven't kept up with my photography that much lately either.