Mrs. Dorky Musician... remember that wonderful shot of you I have from yesterday's attempt at getting portraits of the girls? You might wanna reconsider your charity work statement. I have that photo backed up in places you would never think to look. I'll be sure to post it sometime! :p
I'm a nerd. I sit in front of a computer all day and write code. I love it! Some days, though, I just need to get outside and enjoy God's Creation closer than I can from my computer. Photography gives me that excuse to go out and do just that. My goal is to glorify God through capturing His creation and sharing it with you. It's the least I can do for what He's done for me!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. - John 3:16
Dorky Indeed!!!
Hmm...and you wonder why you didn't get many dates in high school? :P ;) I would have dated you probably...I like charity work. ;)
Just kidding...cute picture. :)
"The Incredible Hanging Dork!" - Nancy, coworker.
That would be me. :)
Mrs. Dorky Musician... remember that wonderful shot of you I have from yesterday's attempt at getting portraits of the girls? You might wanna reconsider your charity work statement. I have that photo backed up in places you would never think to look. I'll be sure to post it sometime! :p
Uh Oh!!!! I would be really worried Mrs. dorky!!! ya never know what the Mr. is up too! remeber he has seen you at your worst!
Uh I know you are evil. :|
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